BC & Alberta Wedding + Elopement Photographer | Breeze Photography

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Ashia - Floral Calgary Creative Session

What can I say about this session?? So many things! Its probably one of my most favourite sessions to date. Everything just worked. Ashia and I connected through Instagram and she arranged to come to Calgary for the night even though she lives in Lethbridge. I had been following her account and was really excited to create together.

When Ashia and I originally connected it was because I had posted about wanting to find someone to stand in a bush full of flowers for me. Obviously. But by the time our schedules aligned most of the lilac bushes in Calgary had dropped all of their flowers. I had another spot in mind however because I kept wandering past it with Hudson on our daily walks through an off leash area in my neighbourhood. An eerie wooden staircase surrounded by overgrown grass and a looming high fence. It's the kind of backyard that doesn't want visitors. And luckily this park is quite unknown so its rare to run into other people. Combined with a beautiful Free People dress I picked up a few months ago and Ashia's dark hair I was inspired to create some images that are a little haunting. 

As we walked up to the spot I realized we had timed it slightly too late and basically missed golden hour. Not only that but the spot I had in mind was actually facing the wrong way. Oops. Oh well, we decided we would shoot anyways, even if it was for a shorter period of time. As we were walking up to the spot can you guess what we found? AN ENORMOUS FLOWERING BUSH. The universe provides!!! And the result are some of my favourite images ever! I can't wait until we can work/adventure/climb/create again together soon!